Návšteva z Francúzska
Dva májové týždne na stáži v našej škole strávil francúzsky študent Valentin Ladame. Prvý týždeň bol u nás s p. učiteľkou Eve Thivolle, druhý týždeň sám. Je študentom Strednej poľnohospodárskej školy Cibeins neďaleko druhého najväčšieho mesta Francúzska, Lyonu. Komunikoval tu výhradne v anglickom jazyku a v ňom nám prezradil jeho dojmy a pocity zo stáže. Krátke interview s ním spravil učiteľ angličtiny Mgr. T. Damaška, ktorý ho mal počas pobytu na starosť.
Question: Hello, Valentin, can you introduce yourself?
Valentin: Hi. My name is Valentin, I am 18. I live in Lyon and I study fishing in vocational school Cibeins. It is a similar school to Pruske.
Question: OK, fishing, what exactly do you study?
Valentin: Well, I have theory and practice in this field. I learn how to breed, feed, heal, hunt, kill and clean the fish. I can use a fishing rod or a net for fishing. We have many ponds and lakes around in the area where I live.
Question: Are you sad we don´t teach this field in Pruské?
Valentin: No, it´s OK. I like animals. You have the dogs here like at my school.
Question: What did you like in Slovakia during your stay?
Valentin: I like it here. It was a good experience to come and see new country, new school and new people. Slovakia is very nice. You have more green land than France.
Question: Thanks. What all did you see in Slovakia?
Valentin: I saw a lot. We were in Bojnice, Čičmany, Vršatec, Trenčín. We were in a farm and I was riding a horse – for the first time. I saw wooden Slovak Betlehem in Rajecka Lesna. I also attended some lessons, mainly Cynology and English lessons. I was in a dog exhibition in Mošovce with Mr. Damaška and Mr. Zajac. The worksop about canistherapy was perfect, too. .
Question: And what you didn´t like?
Valentin: Everything was all right. Maybe the barking dogs at night.
Question: What do you say about the school?
Valentin: We had a rich programme. It was slighty changed because of the weather. I stayed at dormitory. The teachers and students were friendly. The food was sometimes strange but delicious. I like your beer.
Question: I hope you enjoyed your stay in Slovakia.
Valentin: Yes, it was a wonderful time. I hope to see you again.
Spracoval: Mgr. T. Damaška
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